Children use arts in different forms. They express their feeling through art. The thoughts they cant express through speech is expressed through arts and drawings. Moreover, the way see the world can also shown through this. 

Child One (age 3 yrs and 2 months); 

Observation: This child has drawn her family, which is her father, mother end herself. The biggest person drawn is her father because she thinks that father is more powerful than the mother. And he has more strength. Her mother is drawn a bit taller this could be because mother is taller than Father. She has drawn herself as the smallest person because she is the only child of the family. 

Art Stage and Explanation: 
She is at the pre-schematic stage, The ideal age group is 2 to 4 years. As shown in figure the the drawing is unrealistic though it is more complex than the scribble stage. The drawing of her family is very simple with minimum of features, as it it just the body, legs, hands and parts of the face. It is  called the 'Tadpole figure people". Furthermore, people drawn in the paper is not at the same level in other words the are floating and they are not anchored. 

As shown on the video the child has difficulties in holding the pencil this is because her fine motor skills are not developed well. So it is important that we provide different interesting activities to develop the fine motor skill. And also she has to be reminded that what she is drawing which means her memory power is bit less. For this memorizing activities can be carried out to develop them. Therefore, this child is in the pre-schematic stage and she needs help on the development areas which she is lacking.

Child Two (age 3 yrs and 11 months); 

Observation: This child has drawn a random picture of family members she remembered while drawing. There are several features on the people she has drawn, including the bellybutton on her mother. The features also include the hairs, fingers, eyes, mouth and ears. She also had a story behind the drawing. When she was asked why she drew her mother with angry face, she first replied with " I has been misbehaving the whole day that is why mommy is angry. Right after that she said mommy is sad because Daddy didn't give her 'Kurumba' and then drew her dad and the coconut palm. She also has a drawn the people on the same level and it was more realistic. 

Art stage and explanation: 
She is at the schematic stage, the ideal age group is 5 to 8 years. However, her drawings realistic and has a lot of details on it. The sky level and the ground level has also been understood by her. Moreover, she creates a story with all of her drawings. Therefore, she is far ahead in her rt work. 

She also has to develop the fine motor skill as she looses her grip on the pen after a while. To overcome this it is important to let her play with tough or clay, this will help her to develop the skills needed. 


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